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711KEG, a Novel RING E3/Kinase/Ankyrin Protein Essential for Arabidopsis Growth and Development is Involved in Abscisic Acid Signaling
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ABA and EthyleneStone, Sophia; Williams, Luis; Farmer, Lisa; Vierstra, Richard; Callis, Judy.RING E3 ligase
Abscisic Acid
Hormone signaling
Post-germination development
protein degradation
Ankyrin repeats
Stress response
257KEG, a Novel RING E3/Kinase/Ankyrin Protein Essential for Arabidopsis Growth and Development is Involved in Abscisic Acid Signaling
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Protein Modification and TurnoverStone, Sophia; Williams, Luis; Farmer, Lisa; Vierstra, Richard; Callis, Judy.RING E3 ligase
Abscisic Acid
Hormone signaling
Post-germination development
protein degradation
Ankyrin repeats
Stress response
512KFR1, A novel Kelch-domain, F-box protein regulates ubiquitination-dependent transcript stability
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Mechanisms of Gene RegulationMadzima, Thelma; Kaufman, Lon; Folta, Kevin M..Transcript stability
blue light
F-Box protein
1196Known unknowns: Modeling gene content and gene order in the angiosperms
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Plant Phylogenomics: Defining Synergies Between Plant Systematics and Genome BiologyVision, Todd.polyploidy
comparative phylogenomics
1293KNOX overexpression in transgenic Kohleria (Gesneriaceae) plants affects later stages of leaf morphogenesis and leads to prolonged activity of the marginal blastozone with altered segment fate
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Evolutionary Developmental Biology (Evo-Devo)Barth, Sina; Eimert, Klaus; Geier, Thomas; Gleissberg, Stefan.KNOX
Leaf dissection
marginal blastozone

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