Keyword Browse

For Global Change

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

antioxidant (1 Abstract)
APX1 (1 Abstract)
Avena barbata (1 Abstract)
blue light (1 Abstract)
climate change (2 Abstracts)
cysteine proteinase inhibitors (1 Abstract)
defense (1 Abstract)
Elevated CO2 (1 Abstract)
elevated O3 (1 Abstract)
global change (1 Abstract)
insect herbivory (1 Abstract)
Nitrogen (1 Abstract)
phenylalanine (1 Abstract)
phenylpropanoids (1 Abstract)
plant-insect interaction (1 Abstract)
Soybean (2 Abstracts)
Soybeans (1 Abstract)
SoyFACE (1 Abstract)
Ultraviolet radiation (1 Abstract)

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